Having acquired the film rights to Alwyn Hamilton's Young Adult trilogy, Rebel Of The Sands and an animated series based on Smith's...
Having acquired the film rights to Alwyn Hamilton's Young Adult trilogy, Rebel Of The Sands and an animated series based on Smith's...
Disney star Skai Jackson is all about her altruistic nature and making sure that she sets the challenge for young people to...
When you are Yara Shahidi, of course your senior picture portraits are photographed by Christine Hahn, styled by Christopher Kim, in...
Emmy season is right around the corner and the cast and crew of Black-ish turned out in full-force at the Television Academy...
On the set of his upcoming film, Life in a Year, 48-year-old Will Smith generously helped his son, eighteen-year-old Jaden Smith, get...
Shelah Marley, daughter of Lauren Hill and Rohan Marley has definitely become the fashion industry's latest "it girl". The beautiful eighteen-year-old...
As the anticipated premiere of the potential Black-ish spin-off draws near, bits and pieces of information continue to surface about the upcoming show,...
At only seven-years-old, Alyssa Cheatham has accomplished much more than many adults three times her age. Having been in front...
Who needs Rocky and Apollo Creed when you have eight-year-old twin brothers Daniel and Steven! The duo, who started boxing...
When your makes the leap from pre-teen to full-fledged teenager, your days are somewhat numbered and you no longer have the...