Radar Pictures, 8 Queens Film & Media Productions, and Night Fox Entertainment are producing a George Floyd biopic titled, “Daddy Changed the World”. Floyd’s daughter, Gianna Floyd, and her mother, Roxie Washington, will serve as executive producers for the film.

With the family’s approval, the upcoming movie will show George Floyd as the man he really was: an imperfect father, husband, and friend. 


Roxie Washington said in a statement about the movie, “We are excited the world will see the real, jovial and loving George we know.” She added, “This film will humanize him, embody the essence of his life and hopefully reignite efforts to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. It’s time for justice and equality for all.”

Gregory R. Anderson (screenwriter for “Stomp The Yard”) will write the movie, although the search for a director is still ongoing.

Producers Ted Field (Radar Pictures), Dr. Kaeita Rankin (8 Queens), and Timothy Christian (Night Fox) aim to ensure the film sparks constructive social change. They want to highlight injustices faced by marginalized people and keep George Floyd’s memory alive to propel society forward.

Floyd, 46, died on May 25, 2020, after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin had his knee on his neck for over nine minutes. While handcuffed and lying face down in the street, Floyd repeatedly pleaded with the officer to let him breathe.

Videos of Floyd’s murder went viral on social media, resulting in international racial justice protests organized by the Black Lives Matter movement. In 2021, Chauvin was tried and convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.

The next year, Chauvin was sentenced to more than 20 years in jail for violating Floyd’s constitutional rights.Three other Minneapolis police officers were also found guilty of related civil rights violations by a federal jury.

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