Canadian rapper Drake’s son has been out of the public view for months. But now, we are getting all kinds of snap shots of adorable Adonis Graham. Some are of him and his proud dad, some are of him and his mom, 30-year-old, Sophie Brussaux’s, and some are of him all by himself. We cannot get enough of this little boy!

Check out our Adonis gallery and you will see why his parents named him after the Greek god who’s name literally means, “an extremely handsome young man”!


“Vivons heureux, vivons cachés, (Live happy, live hidden),” Sophie Brussaux commented on her Instagram page in a photo of she and her two-year-old son with rapper Drake. The pair aren’t hidden any longer and we are definitely happy that they aren’t!

Fun in the sun, wind-blown hair, deep thoughts-now that’s how we all should roll.


It’s a family affair with Drake, Sophie Brussaux, and Adonis. We can’t decide who he favors the most. Let’s just call it a tie…he gets if from both his mama and his daddy.

The look when you see those Adonis curls up close and personal.


“Thanking God everyday for blessing me with such a beautiful family and amazing friends.” Sophie Brussaux, Instagram.

Looks like Adonis and Teddy have places to go and people to see…no time for pictures.

No caption needed…just smile.

Un peu d’amour (A little love).

“What is most important for you right now is to connect to your own inner light. This will create the biggest opening of all. Trust that you have all of the power within to make this happen, and in order to do that connect to the people and things that bring you a lot of joy.” Drake to his son via Instagram.

We are so glad that Drake and Sophie finally decided to share their Adonis with us. We know that we will not be able to get enough of those baby blue eyes, curls, and adorable smile. Adonis’ journey is just beginning and we are all here for the ride.

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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