Toya Graham is the mom who took action when she saw her son among the hostile during the Baltimore riots earlier...
Read moreDetailsWould you do this? A father by the name of Kevin Jones recently made his 10-year-old daughter wear a t-shirt...
Read moreDetailsThe problem with living in a celebrity-crazed nation is that people think it is their right to comment, criticize, and...
Read moreDetailsParenthood has its perks for Kim Kardashian who tells Lucky magazine that becoming a mom has made her feel more sensual. "I am...
Read moreDetailsPeople everywhere have been sounding off regarding a recent photo of Blue Ivy's (daughter of megastars Jay-Z and Beyonce) hair....
Read moreDetailsMimi Faust received quite a bit of backlash after revealing that she nursed her daughter, Eva, until she was three...
Read moreDetailsIs college an investment for parents? Taraji Henson thinks so. She recently made her eldest son, Marcell, sit out his...
Read moreDetailsPresident Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama have strict rules when it comes to technology. The couple hold firm to...
Read moreDetailsTrayvon Martin was fatally shot by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman on Sunday, February 26, 2012 while walking back to a...
Read moreDetailsHair stylist and extension expert DaRico Jackson recently criticized Angelina Jolie for allowing her daughter Zahara,6, to wear hair extensions....
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