With only five days left until 2024, it’s the perfect time to think about New Year’s resolutions. But why not try something different for the little ones in your family? Vision boards are a creative way to visualize goals for the upcoming year. To help your kids get started, follow this step-by-step guide from the experts to help your kids create their own vision boards for the new year!

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First, before we get into the step-by-step guide on how to create a child’s vision board for 2024, let’s make sure that we all are on the same page as to what a vision board actually is and why they are great for kids!


According to an article, Teaching Children About Goal Setting, from Champions for Children, a vision board is a collage of images that help us focus on goals, dreams, and ambitions. But the magic of creating one—and keeping it front and center—can help us manifest our greatest ambitions. Teaching kids to visualize their hopes at a young age can set them up for success for the future.

“Vision boards are a powerful way to get clear about what we want, to build our confidence in seeking it out, and to identify concrete and tangible symbols of our desires that we can use to mark success when we attain it,” Dr. Dinorah Nieves, a behavioral scientist, counselor, and coach, said in an interview with, echoing Champions for Children.

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Now, that we are all on the same page, let’s get crafting!

Step 1: Explain what a vision board is and let your child take it from there.

Explain to your children know exactly what a vision board project entails. This is a great time to ask them about their hopes and dreams and what they would like to create and why. Find out what personal goals they have for the upcoming year. Sit quietly for a few minutes or so and actually have them “visualize” the things that they would like to include on their boards.

Step 2: Get out the materials!

Let your children pick out the materials for their vision boards. They could use stickers, markers, crayons, make collages from magazines, draw things themselves, etc. etc. The materials should be left up to them because it is their board. Remember, you are just along for the ride.

Step 3: It is time to create!

With their goals for the upcoming year front-and-center, it is now time to create! Encourage them to use their imagination as they put the pieces of their vision board together. These are their goals for 2024, so the project should be done according to what they have in mind. Make sure that they are having fun and let them know that what they have on their vision board isn’t something permanent that they have to stick to. It is a guide that can change and morph into something completely different over the next 12 months.

Step 4: Display.

Have your child display their vision board somewhere that they can see it. Have them check-in once and a while throughout the year to see if they are on track with their goals for the year. You can even create a family vision board for double the fun.

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At the same time in December 2024, you and your child can take a look at the vision board and see just how many of their dreams came true!


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Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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