"Carried You In My Heart"

Congratulations to Kirsten Welker and her husband, John Hughes, on the birth of their first child. The journalist and her spouse welcomed their little one on Saturday (June 12).

The Hughes’ daughter, Margot Lane Welker Hughes, arrived at 2:12 a.m., and weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces at birth. John and Kirsten used a surrogate to expand their family.


“I was 40 years old when I married John in March 2017,” Kirsten said during a segment on TODAY in April. “We immediately started to try to have a baby,” Kirsten revealed. “It didn’t work immediately. So we thought, ‘Let’s just go to a doctor as a precaution.'”

Kirsten and John learned that the lining of her uterus was too thin to carry a child. Surrogacy was the couple’s next option.

“On that day, I cried so many tears that I didn’t think they would ever stop,” Kirsten Welker wrote in a sweet message to her newborn daughter. “I felt as though I had let you down because I couldn’t carry you myself,” Welker said in the note.

Kirsten and John’s surrogate helped them realize that there is nothing wrong with having help when fertility issues arise. “Our special helper and hero is a young mom who says being a helper is her purpose,” the celebrity mom shared with her newborn.

“And this past fall we received the greatest news of all,” Kirsten added. “You were on your way,” the journalist exclaimed. “The moment that we found out was the happiest of our lives. Your daddy and I were on the road driving to New York where I was working on a big project. We pulled over when the call came in and when the doctor said you were on your way, we cried again, only this time they were tears of joy.”

The Hughes have learned much while on their journey to parenthood. “Your daddy and I have learned so many lessons trying to bring you here and we want to share them with you,” Kirsten wrote to her baby girl. “Every journey is unique,” the celebrity mom said. “Don’t compare yourself to others.”

“There will be heartbreaks in life; some won’t ever fully heal, others will make you stronger. It is OK to ask for help; in fact, it can be empowering. Families are made in all different ways, come in all different shapes and sizes, and all families should be celebrated. And, finally, while I didn’t carry you in my body, I have always carried you in my heart and I will always be your mommy.”

Photo: Kirsten Welker/Instagram



Sarie is a writer and editor for BCK's Los Angeles division. She also shares stories on Medium that are meant to encourage thought and discussion. You can catch her outside enjoying nature and classical literature. Pop culture is pretty fun, too!

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