Dorothy Jean Tillman earned her Master’s Degree in Environmental Science at 14-years-old. Now, the Chicago-native is an official Environmental Scientist and an Entrepreneur as well.
With the desire to give Chicago youth a headstart with STEM opportunities, Tillman has launched the Dorothy Jeanius STEAM Education Leadership Institute. As a part of her institute, she hosts the Dorothy Jeanius STEM Camp.
“I’ve been working on STEM labs for kids because I really want to go into the STEM-related field and work with kids,” Tillman told Rolling Out prior to earning her master’s degree. “I feel like I’m here to make people happy and to help people find their purpose. I might go back to school, but my plan is to be an entrepreneur and [use] my engineering degree.”
All of the teens who participate in this amazing camp receive a customizable at-home STEAM activity kit.
Tillman is unquestionably brining STEM to life as she has founded labs in both Chicago and West Capetown, South Africa.
“A teen is a teen no matter where they are from,” Tillman said in a statement. “We all love TIKTOK and many enjoy hip hop. The key is showing them where the STEAM is in everyday life.”
In a quarantine world, Tillman’s idea provides safe education and enrichment opportunities for students. Each kit includes science-focused projects, creative arts, and coding to give students access to different skills and career options.
“People learn at different paces. One of our kits can last up to 6 months, even longer depending on STEAM knowledge and skill set,” Tillman explained in a statement.
Tillman is making sure that she provides various opportunities for students to network and become STEM achievers. The future is unquestionably bright for Tillman.