Michael Jackson was one of the most important figures in music history. Today people all around the world are gathering...
Read moreDetailsAs Father's day approaches this Sunday, what does your dad mean to you? According to new statistics, many people don't...
Read moreDetailsIt's there ever a right time to start talking to your children about the "Birds and the Bees"? Some experts...
Read moreDetailsDeciding whether or not to get a divorce is a very difficult decision. So what's a parent to do? Many...
Read moreDetailsThis week, AC360° aired a four-part series on the results of a CNN pilot study examining how children view skin...
Read moreDetailsA video of 8- and 9-year-old girls in midriff tops dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" is causing an uproar on...
Read moreDetailsUrbandictionary.com defines the term Baby Mama to mean: "The mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with...
Read moreDetailsThere are over 26 million working mothers in this country. That's millions of women trying to juggle motherhood with their...
Read moreDetailsWith the rising rates in divorce, it appears that the married two-parent family is becoming a thing of the past....
Read moreDetailsCelebrity child support is a hot topic these days. This week alone, rapper Nas was ordered to pay his estranged...
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