Every year, Deadline presents "The Contenders," a popular event, usually held during Oscar season, where key guild voters have the opportunity to...
Every year, Deadline presents "The Contenders," a popular event, usually held during Oscar season, where key guild voters have the opportunity to...
Kendrick Lamar's new song "Humble" has definitely sparked plenty of controversy and has become one of the most talked about songs,...
Yara Shahidi is definitely staying busier than ever before. As she prepares for college, the Black-ish actress also is preparing for her...
ABC and Mattel Creations have partnered to bring viewers a one-of-a kind program that will bring amateur toy inventions face-to-face with...
No everyone can say that they are "co-founder" of a non-profit organization at the age of 12; however, eighth-grade student...
This coming Spring, Atlanta is about to get a bit hotter because Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta will join the reality television...
Receiving acceptance letters to college is a nail-biting experience for any teenager. The hopes and dreams of getting into the...
A close family can be one of the strongest bonds ever. Sharing common interests from everything from food to fun can generate memories...
Many nine to five jobs come with an employee handbooks or if not, at least some sort of guide as...
After announcing the project in late 2016, the That's So Raven spin-off has finally been cast and is truly happening! Starring...