Kenya Moore and her ex-husband Marc Daly are officially divorced!

According to court documents obtained by In Touch, “Real Housewives of Atlanta” (RHOA) star will have primary custody of their adorable 5-year-old daughter, Brooklyn.


However, the agreement states that Kenya and Marc will share joint legal custody, giving Marc a say in important decisions regarding Brooklyn’s upbringing.

To facilitate a smooth co-parenting relationship, the former couple have agreed to make custody exchanges in public locations.

As for child support, Marc will pay $2,000 a month to Kenya, even though she earns more. He will also contribute an extra $1,000 a month into a college savings account for Brooklyn.

Kenya agreed to maintain healthcare insurance for Brooklyn, but they will split uninsured medical expenses. Neither parties will receive alimony or spousal support.

The court order emphasizes the importance of both parents fostering a positive relationship between Brooklyn and each parent.

“It is hereby ordered that both parties shall encourage the minor child to develop close nurturing relationships with the other party and each shall refrain from conduct which does or may undermine a positive relationship between the minor child and the other party,” the judge noted.

Kenya has “exclusive control over any and all economic opportunities for 24 months.”

After that period, “Parties will be required to attend mediation for further determination of final decision- making authority. However, if Parties cannot reach an agreement they will be required to attend court.”

Kenya has the final say on whether Brooklyn appears on RHOA or “for any other economic opportunities for Mother”. In that case, Kenya must discuss these opportunities and inform Marc of any on-camera appearances and their content.

The filing also states that “[Kenya] shall have final authority to decide whether to include the minor child on a television show or for any other economic opportunities for Father. Father shall notify Mother of any opportunity where the minor child will appear on camera and shall advise Mother of the content of the appearance. The minor child will only be involved in opportunities that are age appropriate.”

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