Gabby Tennor is truly one talented 10-year-old from Hagerstown, Maryland. The preteen has unquestionably made her mark on the world of opera as she recently secured a role in the production of the Metropolitan Opera of New York’s,  “El Niño.”

“I don’t understand how, but yeah, I’m playing Jesus,” Gabby said in a recent interview with Amy Cho on NBC’s News4. “I normally am really nervous for things, especially when it’s a lot of people, and there were 30,000 people at my first opening night, and I wasn’t nervous for some reason. So, I just knew that that was for me.”


This talented fourth grader has always loved acting and performing. So to be selected to portray Jesus in the operatic production, for her was like a dream come true. For her mom, it was like a moment of pride, awe, and gratitude.


“You look around you, and you have a vision of how your life is going to be somehow, and we never thought opera. We are not actors; we are not actresses. We don’t have that background, and to get to that level, I looked around and said, ‘Wow, God is really good,’” Barbara Tennor shared in the interview with Cho.

“We are super proud of her, my husband and I. I cried, actually. I didn’t expect it, but to see that big stage and that many audience, so many people in that audience, it just brought so much joy to my heart.”

If you are unfamiliar with the production, “El Niño,” according to Fox 5 DC, tells the story of Jesus’ Nativity. In the opera, Gabby portrays Jesus and states that she is proud to be a part of a production that aligns with her Christian beliefs.

“I am so glad I can do something that is based on my faith because I’m Christian,” she told Cho. “Let God take you wherever you want to be. It’s not just about yourself; let others help.”

You might think that his incredibly dedicated and talented young lady has her sights set on Hollywood, but not quite. When it comes to her future, Gabby actually wants to do two things: make her parents proud and be a pediatrician.

“I want to get into a good college because I want to make my parents proud. So, I’m doing all of this not only because I love it — because I can put this on my college application and that will open a bunch of opportunities for me.”

“El Niño” ran through May 17; however, we have a feeling that we will see Gabby once again in the spotlight before college and maybe even beyond!


Photo: Gabby Tennor Instagram

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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