For many, school is back in full-swing. However, for many Black students, school can be pretty tough from day one. Between grades, extracurricular activities, etc. things can take a turn towards depression and anxiety pretty quickly. According to the experts, here are a few ways you can boost your child’s confidence this school year to foster success.

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Ensure that you have established a back-to-school routine, and stick to it. 


Making the jump from summer to going back to school can be challenging. Yet, if you have your back-to-school routine in place, then young scholars will adjust quickly. By ensuring that your back-to-school routine meets your student’s needs, the new school year will go over without a hitch. So, stick to those schedules, post those calendars and watch your child excel because they know just what to do. Be flexible, because, as we know, things do and will change.

Rekindle learning habits.

Your child has favorite things that help them to think and learn. Encourage them to rekindle those habits. Whether it is playing chess, reading books, solving puzzles, or even hopping online to engage with educational apps, let them do it! Things that they are already “in to” will help reengage their intellectual wheels and get them turning. Supplemental educational things pair very well with daily schoolwork to build student confidence. 

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Make sure that your study space is well-organized.

Students need a quiet and well-organized study space to be successful. Make sure that you have created a dedicated study space that is quiet, stocked with supplies, and geared towards concentration and focus. Establishing a great study space unquestionably sets the tone for transitioning to homework and a successful school year.

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Make sure to set periodic times to “check-in”.

According to a survey by the AAkoma Project, about 53% of Black youth experience moderate to severe depression from racism and bullying during their time at school. Around 20% have been exposed to racial trauma often throughout their educational journey. Schedule regular times to “check-in” and make sure that everything is going as it should. If you find that your child is experiencing any problems, address them immediately to prevent things from spiraling out of control.

Foster a positive attitude and don’t forget to celebrate the small wins!

Set a positive tone for the year by being enthusiastic about school. Take a trip down memory lane with your children, sharing your own memories about the fun moments that you yourself had in school. Make sure that you emphasize that the new school year can bring a new opportunities for not only learning and growth, but for fun and friends as well. If they bring a “D” home one week, and a “C” the next, celebrate it! This shows that although they started out a bit lower than you would have liked, they are moving in the right direction!

Encourage your kids to have a great school year. Tell them to remember, those 104 days of summer vacation will be back before they know it!

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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