"This Is Our Room"

Princess Love and Ray J’s kids, Melody Love and Epik Ray, appreciate their privacy. The youngsters were recently filmed telling their mom to go to her room.


The scene began with Princess entering her children’s room. Melody immediately apologized as she and her younger brother had their cat and dog in the same space. “I told you I don’t want the cat and the dogs together,” Princess told her daughter. Melody went on to be apologetic before realizing that her mom was actually in her room.

“This is our room,” Melody told Princess. “This is our room,” she reiterated. “Go to your room.” Princess, taken aback by her daughter’s reaction asked if Melody wanted her to leave the room. The little one affirmed her desire to enjoy her room sans her mom’s presence. Epik agreed. “These kids,” Princess Love shared in the caption section of her social media post.

“Basically, this is her space and you can go,” Jessica Angel White shared. “The dog and cat are fine here. Thank you ma’am,” she added. “They’re beyond adorable and funny,” another social media follower declared.

Melody Love and Epik Ray continue to steal hearts online with their cuteness. It was just a few months ago that Epik forced his mom to ride around with him on one of his toys. Princess barely fit on the toy but, nevertheless, enjoyed the moment with her son.

“Treasure these moments because they go so fast and you can never get them back. Ever,” Princess said in an Instagram post earlier this year. “Being a Mom always came first,” the Reality TV star told her fans. “And just not for IG, in real life,” Princess said.

“I can honestly say I have never missed a moment,” the celebrity mom shared with her supporters. “No one can ever take these memories from me because they’re embedded in my heart forever.”

Photo: Getty Images



Sarie is a writer and editor for BCK's Los Angeles division. She also shares stories on Medium that are meant to encourage thought and discussion. You can catch her outside enjoying nature and classical literature. Pop culture is pretty fun, too!

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