Eve is taking a break from her role in the hit ABC series Queens due to her pregnancy. The celebrity, who stars in the series is Brianna, is reportedly going on maternity leave.
According to Deadline,
“Eve has been commuting to Atlanta, where Queens films, from the UK where her family home is. ABC and the showâs producers have been supportive of the star, adjusting the schedule so Eve could film additional scenes before her leave to be with her family. As a result, Brianna will be in the majority of Queens’ original 13-episode order.”
Eve announced her and husband Maximillion Cooper’s expectancy a few weeks ago. “Can you believe it @mrgumball3000,” Eve asked her husband in an Instagram post. “We finally get to tell everyone,” the pregnant star exclaimed.
“You all know how long we’ve been waiting for this blessing,” Eve addressed her fans. “We get to meet our lil human February 2022,” the celebrity shared.
It was just a few weeks ago that Eve sat down with the hosts of The Breakfast Club to talk about the road to expectancy, which included a village of supporters. “People say it takes a village to raise kids,” Eve told the radio hosts. “It takes a village, sometimes, to help you get pregnant,” the entertainer revealed.
“I had 14 fibroids that I didnât even know about,” Eve told the morning show hosts. “So I had to get a myomectomy, which is a procedure to get the fibroids out.”
Eve praised her doctor for helping her get to expectancy. “She was the only doctor who went that deep and got me an MRI,” Eve shared on The Breakfast Club. “She was like, ‘You can try, and try, and try. You’re never going to get pregnant until you get rid of these things.’ No other doctor told me this. She helped me get pregnant.”
Eve and Maximillion Cooper celebrate seven years of marriage this year.
Photo: Eve/Instagram