This past weekend was a celebration with John Legend and Miles Stephens. The celebrity father shared a candid of him holding his son with Instagram fans on Saturday.
“Wild Saturday celebrating,” John captioned underneath the candid of him holding little Miles while also clutching the glass that held his beverage. Baby Miles was so small and cuddly that the dozens of fans who commented only spoke of his cuteness. “This is so precious,” one Instagram fan wrote. Another follower said that the candid was “priceless.” It is pretty sweet, isn’t it?
Both John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have been relishing in the joys of having a newborn ever since Miles Stephens’ arrival. Chrissy even took to Instagram to celebrate her son’s projected arrival date, which was three weeks later than Miles’ actual birth. “Today was your original due date but you heard how cool we are since that’s all we talk about (how cool we are) and you wanted to see what all the fuss was about, 3 weeks early,” Teigen wrote online last week. “Well, we tricked you,” the celebrity mom mused. “We are boring AF but we love you!”
Miles is John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s second child. The couple also has a daughter named Luna Stephens who celebrated her second birthday this past April.