Vetertans Day is today, and the White House is celebrating. First Lady Michelle Obama teamed up with Doc McStuffins to honor the kids of service men and women, whom she hailed as heroes, during a ceremony earlier this morning.
“You guys are heroes, too,” exclaimed the first lady. “Your moms and dads couldn’t do what they do unless you were really smart, really kind and really patient, because you guys are sacrificing just as much as your moms and dads are.” Doc McStuffins stood next to Mrs. Obama and clapped for the kids of vets who sacrifice so much for the good of their country.
Every year, thousands of service men and women are deployed to various bases throughout the world to defend the United States from threats. Many of these service officers are separated from their families for months and miss out on monumental moments that take place in their kids’ lives. As a way of showing gratitude for the great sacrifice that military families make, the nation celebrates Veterans Day on November 11th. This year marks the 95th year that the country has set aside a day to celebrate those who have and continue to serve in the armed forces.
Check out Mrs. Obama’s speech here.