Congratulations are in order for retired NBA player, Metta World Peace and his wife, Maya Sandiford Artest. The couple announced that they are expecting their first child together!

“We have been together for 12 years now, so it’s been in the making for quite some time,” the couple told People Magazine in a recent exclusive interview about their pregnancy. “But to be honest, I was told by my OB that I may not be ovulating.”


“We expected it would take some time and may need to look into IVF, so it was definitely a surprise to find out we were pregnant just a few months later. We consider ourselves very lucky!”

Metta World Peace, whose real name is, Ron Artest, is already father to sons Ron III and Jeron, as well as daughters Sadie and Diamond. Artest’s newest addition to the family will be the tie-breaker for the boys as the couple is expecting a son.

As most mothers know, pregnancy is, for some, a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. Maya admits to the outlet that her pregnancy journey has so far fallen within that scope.

“The first trimester was an absolute nightmare. I was sick every day. I feel like women don’t talk enough about how brutal the first trimester can be, maybe in fear of appearing ungrateful,” Maya said in the couple’s interview. “But I’m here to say that all women, the first tri can be absolute s— and I think it’s okay to say that and talk about it.”

“Second trimester was a walk in the park compared to the first and now I am just getting into my third trimester and feeling large and uncomfortable. The back pain, heartburn, acid reflux and insomnia are no joke! I’ve heard it gets worse from here on out so wish me luck.”

Although the journey has been a rollercoaster, Maya also tells the outlet that Metta has been right there by her side for it all. She said that her husband has been “amazingly supportive through it all.”

Metta himself admits that he just wants to “help when I can.”

“Honestly, she’s the pregnant one so I just help out when I can — in the cravings department, massages and stuff like that.”

The 44-year-old adds that his wife has handled pregnancy like a champ in his eyes, “… she’s handled it like a boss.”

As they wait with bated breath for the arrival of their little one, the couple shares some things that they are excited to do with their little one.

“Playing ball, just kidding,” Metta joked with the outlet. “I’m just excited to be there for the birth and all of the early stages. I was working for a lot of the early years with my other kids so I’m excited to witness it all.”

Maya says that she just cannot wait “to meet and hold him.”

“I feel like I’ve been worrying about all the things instead of thinking about what I am looking forward to most. I honestly just can’t wait to meet and hold him!”

Photos: Instagram

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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