Preparing for Christmas can be a financial strain. In addition to planning a spectacular meal with all the trimmings, consumers feel compelled to buy gifts for family and friends. The pressure is even greater with parents because children often expect numerous gifts that sometimes cost a lot of money. Although it is common for parents to over-indulge when purchasing presents for their children, you should consider scaling back the gift list and focusing on the sentimental value that the holiday brings.
Aside from financial consequences associated with spending too much in an unstable economy, over-indulging is not good for your child’s attitude. While all children do not associate love with material possessions, some kids may measure your love for them by the amount of gifts around the Christmas tree. Such attitudes about love are not helpful when you cannot give them extravagant material possessions in the future. It is okay to give your children the best gifts, but even better to explain the central meaning of Christmas; whether that meaning be religious, importance of family, or any other significant measure.
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