Earlier this week, actress Gabrielle Union posted the most adorable video recap of a holiday family outing to Critterville Farm Sanctuary. Although it seems like everyone did have a good time, six-year-old, Kaavia James, daughter of Union and Dwyane Wade, got brutally honest about the trip overall.

Union captioned the video, “taking the bull by the horns one last time before the new year.”


The Bad Boys actress added, “thank you for having us @crittervillefarm,” tagging Critterville Farm Sanctuary in Riverhead, New York. Although the Union seemed to be extremely impressed by the animal sanctuary recently, is seems as if Kaavia James was less than impressed by the family outing.

In the video, you hear Union ask her daughter of camera, “Who likes the farm?”

Kaavia responds, “You!”

Union adds, “I thought you’d enjoy it.”

“I did… just, you like it so much than me,” Kaavia answers, making her father laugh.

Union shared a collage of the trio’s time on the far where she is was unquestionably dressed for the occasion in sweatpants, a hoodie, and tall farm boots. Throughout the video, which was set to “country life” appropriate background music, Union is smiling from ear to ear as she feeds the ponies, smiles and talks to the cows, and allows a dog to jump up and give her a kiss.

Meanwhile, when the camera pans to Kaavia, her father is holding her up as she looks down on a pig that seems to be getting a little too friendly. At one point, you can tell that Kaavia has had enough and she calls it quits, and sits on top of an SUV, hugging her dad from behind.

In addition to Kaavia James, Wade is also father to Zaire, Zaya, Xavier, and his nephew, Dahveon. We cannot wait to see more of Shady Baby in 2025, she will definitely keep it real for us all!


Photo: Gabrielle Union Instagram

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

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