In the ever-evolving landscape of cinema, few films manage to capture the imagination of audiences and critics alike like the upcoming DreamWorks Animation feature film, The Wild Robot. Based on Peter Brown’s beloved novel, according to critics, The Wild Robot, starring Lupita Nyong‘o, is poised to become a modern classic.

Thanks to its compelling blend of storytelling, innovative visuals, and deep thematic exploration, this upcoming feature film will captivate the imagination of not only present generations but generations to come.


Curious as to what makes this movie so special? Check out a brief Deadline.com description below.

The story is ingenious and centers on Rozzum 7134 aka Roz (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o), a robot who gets shipwrecked with a group of robots during a typhoon on an island only populated with animals but no humans, and who has no idea how to interact with them, never having seen any of these creatures before. Still, with robotic tendencies remarkably in sync with the rote behavior of many creatures, this is as it turns out kind of an ideal situation for Roz to thrive, at first with comical results and then the discovery of an unhatched egg (which she nurtures into life) of a little gosling who will be named Brightbill (Kit Connor).

Unbeknownst to the new arrival, Roz was inadvertently responsible for his family’s death, but she makes up for it and becomes the unlikeliest of adoptive mothers, joined by a feisty and energetic fox named Fink (Pedro Pascal) on their adventures, keeping the gosling safe from all those inherent predators lurking in and out of the ocean and this island.

Nyongo’o herself took to social media sharing the film’s trailer, stating that the “movie is for everyone with a pulse!”

“This movie is for everyone with a pulse! And trust me: see it on the big screen. @thewildrobot is in theaters September 27 and tickets are on sale today! → TheWildRobotTickets.com.”

In addition to Nyong’o, Connor, and Pascal, The Wild Robot will also star: Catherine O’Hara, Mark Hamill and Stephanie Hsu. Chris Sanders is directed the project.

The Wild Robot will hit theaters in two weeks on September 27! This is definitely one big screen debut that you do not want to miss.


Photo: Lupita Nyong’o Instagram; thewildrobotmovie.com

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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