Amber Rose made headlines on Monday when she took the stage at the Republican National Convention to endorse former President Donald Trump for a second term. However, it wasn’t just her political stance that drew attention—it was also her prominent forehead tattoo that sparked curiosity.

In 2020, Amber Rose honored her children, Sebastian Thomaz and Slash Edwards, with a bold decision to tattoo ‘Bash Slash’ across her forehead. She later revealed in an interview with Fox Soul TV that Kobe Bryant’s death in 2020 served as the catalyst for the deeply personal decision.


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She explained, “I gotta be honest, and I don’t want this to sound corny, but after Kobe [Bryant] died it made me reflect on my life.”

When Rose unveiled her tattoo on Instagram, she faced criticism, which she met head-on with her trademark honesty.

“For the people that are telling me I’m too pretty for a face tat are the same people that would tell me that I’m ‘too pretty’ even if they thought I was ugly and lie to me Lol,” she stated.

Her decision to mark her forehead with ‘Bash Slash’ also serves as a defiant statement of self-expression, as she boldly asserted, “Or they would just tell me I’m ugly so either way the moral of the story is do whatever the f*** you want in life – muva.”

At the recent Republican National Convention, Amber Rose took the stage to explain her endorsement of Donald Trump, emphasizing her role as a mother and her desire for a better future for her children.

“I’m a mother. My whole world revolves around providing for my children, keeping them safe, and giving them an opportunity for a better life. That’s something that unites all American parents, whether we’re Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, or liberals. We all want a better country for our children,” she declared.

She continued, “But I’m here tonight to tell you, no matter your political background, that the best chance we have to give our babies a better life is to elect Donald Trump President of the United States.”

Despite her previous criticisms of Trump, Rose revealed that personal research and attending rallies had changed her perspective.

“I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay or straight, it’s all love,” Rose shared. “And that’s when it hit me, these are my people, this is where I belong.”

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