During the pandemic, there was no question that many students had significant challenges when it came to learning. Schools closed, and students were forced into new territories with online learning and homeschooling. Months later, children returned to the classrooms; however, many were falling behind and have yet to properly catch up. According to the 2022 National Center for Education Statistics, (NCES), report card, Black and Brown students exhibit the highest pandemic-related educational decline.

Per to Parents.com, the report card, was formally known as The National Assessment of Educational Progress. The report card is a congressionally-mandated program overseen by the NCES within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences. Typically, the report card is done every two years; however, this is the first report card released in three years.
According to the results of the NCES report card, the pandemic had a devastating impact on math and reading. The data in the report card revealed a 13-point score decrease in math among Black students compared to the 5-point decline among white students. Nationally, the gap widened even further between Black and white students from 25 points in 2020 to 33 points in 2022.

“We know that we have to be very clear in focusing on academic acceleration in supporting the social, emotional, and mental health and well-being of our students,” said Roberto Rodríguez, U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development on a call with Kindred by Parents. “And making sure that our students have the educator that they need, as the head of their classrooms, as one of the single most important resources we can give them helping to support their success in school.”
Rodríguez continued, “We had opportunity gaps and inequities in our system prior to the pandemic that have been exacerbated across the course of this great disruption.”

Secretary Rodríguez said to Kindred by Parents that, the Biden administration is partnering with states to develop the necessary research and support initiatives, tutoring, and after-school programs, along with prioritizing collaboration between parents and schools to support student achievement and improve outcomes.
If you find that your child is struggling and experiencing what you think may be pandemic-related educational decline, make an appointment with their teacher/administration, and find out what resources there are to help.