Congratulations to CNN’s Abby Phillip and her husband, Marcus Richardson, on the arrival of their baby girl. The celebrity couple welcomed their first child on Monday (August 17).
“Marcus and I are so happy to announce that the Naomi Angelina Richardson arrived bright and early on Monday morning perfectly happy, healthy, and ready to eat,” Abby told her social media fans on Tuesday (August 17). “Mom and baby are feeling great,” Phillip continued.
“Naomi arrived 10 days fashionably late, weighing a healthy 7 pounds 6 oz and measuring at 20.5 inches,” Abby said of her daughter’s birth. “Her first name means ‘pleasant one’ and she is already living up to it and spoiling her mom and dad as a blissfully calm baby,” the journalist added. “Her middle name Angelina is a tribute to my beloved maternal grandmother who passed away in 2014. We are overjoyed and in love already.”
Abby Phillip and Marcus Richardson announced their expectancy in March. The celebrity couple shared the news of their family’s expansion exclusively with The Cut. Some celebrities refrain from sharing the gender of their unborn children. Abby Phillip revealed they were expecting a daughter during her interview with The Cut.
“The experience of pregnancy has only made me become more in awe of what we as women are able to endure,” Abby shared with the publication. “It was tough: battling morning sickness while balancing a demanding job with long, unpredictable hours,” the journalist admitted. “But it has been a reminder of what I am capable of — and what so many women do every day,” Phillip shared.
Abby shared her pregnancy workout schedule in an Instagram post at the 40-week mark. “40 weeks of the biggest challenge of my life so far and I have to say: it was so much easier when I decided that staying active was going to be a top priority,” Phillip told her fans.
“I remember the days of the first trimester when I felt like I couldn’t walk up one flight of stairs,” the celebrity mom said. “But I kept going,” Phillip added. “Now I feel like I’m ending this pregnancy in better shape than when I started.”
Photo: Abby Phillip/PEOPLE