Carrot and Pumpkin Turkey Snack
Encourage your kids creativity with this before dinner snack that is not only healthy, but will hold them over and not ruin their dinner appetite.
What you need:
Pumpkin bread/muffins
Seedless red grapes
Seedless green grapes
Slice of apple-eyes & wattle
Cut a round slice of pumpkin bread or a pumpkin muffin for the turkey body. Wash and peel carrots, then cut lengthwise slices. Cut feathers and legs from these slices. Cut the end from a red grape and use large piece for head. Cut “wattle” from a thin apple slice and, using a small straw, cut out two little eyes. Moistness of apple will make eyes stick to the turkey’s head. Arrange on plate.
Serving Suggestion
Swap the carrots for slices of apple or any of their favorite veggies!