Parenting is unquestionably a hard job to do. It doesn’t come with a one-size-fits all manual for parents to follow. Yet, there are things that parents can do to improve their skills that will not only benefit themselves but their relationship with their children, and future grandchildren as well.

Here are four New Year’s resolutions that will help you nail parenting in 2018!


1. Be there for your children. When you are with your children, tune into there 100%. Put down the phone, computer, and just-be there. Listen to them, talk to them, and don’t let yourself be distracted by anything else. This is your quality time. Most children only want the attention of their parents. This will encourage them to share whatever is on their minds with you in a safe, fun, and relaxing atmosphere.

2. For new parents, don’t sweat the small stuff. In the grand scheme of things, realize that you are wasting time sweating the small stuff. Don’t burden yourself down with things that will happen like crawling, walking, potty training, etc. Children will accomplish these things and more on their own time. Enjoy simply being with them and watching them grow. As long as you have made sure that they are eating and sleeping properly, being exposed to good manners and kindness, etc., the rest will come.
3. Yell less, breathe more. Going hand-in-hand with the above advice for younger parents, for those parents of older children, yell less, breathe more essential. Again, don’t sweat the small stuff. Children tend to block-out parents when they are yelling and this will only frustrate you more. Before you yell, think to yourself, what am I going to accomplish by this? Take a moment, calm down, and talk to your child calmly. You will get a lot more out of the conversation this way than not.
4. Remember to take mommy/daddy time. Kids are happiest when mom and dad are happy. It is not selfish to carve out a few moments for yourself. Whether that be taking a long, uninterrupted bubble bath, indulging on a shopping trip, or simply closing the door to your room for an hour-or so of quiet time to yourself, make it happen. So, if you are feeling a bit off-kilter, recharge and renew. Make this a top priority in 2018!
Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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