Keeping children safe during spring/summer is a top priority, especially when the increase of serious injury goes on the rise during these months. This spring, to help raise awareness across the US, Safe Kids Worldwide, will hold 200 events across the country, celebrating Safe Kids Day 2017, raising awareness and funds to help prevent childhood injuries. With their signature event that took place on April 23rd, in Culver City, CA at Smashbox Studios, the group enlisted a few members of #younghollywood to help their cause.

With a goal to raise over $1 million dollars, funds from Safe Kids Day 2017 are earmarked to support local, state, and national initiatives that focus on keeping children safe.

“Safe Kids Day is a great time to remind parents, caregivers and kids that many injuries can be easily prevented,” Safe Kids Worldwide President & CEO Kate Carr said in a press release. “In a fun atmosphere, we educate and inspire everyone to take action to prevent kids on the road, a home and at play. You can join us by visiting SAFEKIDS.ORG and clicking ‘I’m In!'”