The eighth installment of the FURIOUS franchise comes with a twist as Dominic is seduced by a terrorist who convinces him to betray his family. The crew must team up with past enemies to take down the rank criminal and hopefully restore the importance of loyalty in Dom.
The film is definitely an action-packed sequel that is poised to shock many fans who have followed the storyline from its first installment. Dominic’s character has been based on the concept of loyalty and family, so it will be interesting to see the dark side of betrayal.
“Of course, I was worried about going down such a dark road… but in some ways, there was little reason to continue if we weren’t going to challenge our characters and the fans’ faith in our saga,” Vin Diesel recently shared with Entertainment Weekly. “It was an intense experience, to say the least,” he explained. “I only hope that the audience enjoys the journey despite the dark road ahead.”
The Fate of the Furious makes its public debut on Friday, April 14, 2017. Catch the trailer below!