Although the Harris kids are charitable individuals who search for ways to give back to the community, they are not always unpretentious. Tameka “Tiny” Harris recently told Fuse TV that she and husband T.I., sometimes have to remind the kids of what it means to be humble.
“They’re normal kids, they’re not always modest,” said Tameka. “Sometimes I have to tell them, ‘Hey, watch yourself. Don’t say that.’ But they’re kids.”
Tiny went on to talk about Major, who is the youngest and struggles the least with modesty. “My youngest, he’s more to himself. So I don’t really worry about him,” said the star. Tameka added, “We keep [our kids] grounded by doing normal things and letting them know when they’re out of line. You just have to bring them back down sometimes but its okay.”
Mrs. Harris is currently working on an EP album to accompany her hit single ‘What You Gon’ Do?’ The star told Fuse that the song was written during a time when she was at odds. “It’s things I was going through and feeling at the time. It was a year ago when I wrote this. So I was in my emotions, and I felt like, ‘What better way to express it than through a song?'” Tiny further explained, “I feel like other women can relate to this song and, you know, it could be like a women’s anthem because we all really kind of, at some point, want to know: What are you going to do?”
Tameka “Tiny” Harris and husband T.I., parent six kids together.