NBA star Ray Allen and his wife Shannon welcomed their fourth child into the world on Wednesday, January 25, 2012. The couple named their son Wynstan Ryan Allen.
Although some parents select a name for their newborn sporadically, Allen was meticulous when naming his fourth son. Since his other children-Walter Ray III, Walker, and Wynn-had the initials W.R.A., Allen wanted to continue the tradition with his newest addition. Ray says, “We had a lot of advice and a lot of names being said because all of our boys are ‘W.R.A.'”
But why Wynstan? Ray states, “We scoured every ‘W’ name we could. We got down to that day in the hospital and we had our top three or four and we talked about how the nicknames kids would give him and kind of what life would be like if we gave him something crazy and what we would call him. Probably what gave that name top seed was the fact that our last son born was Wynn. Our first two sons are ‘Wal,‘ so this was, ‘Wy.’ That’s kind of how we rationalized it.”