Dear Mama Guru,
My son is only a month old but I am worried about his hair. His father is
white and I am black and can’t even take care of my own hair. Do you have
any tips?
Best regards,
Dearest Danielle,
First let me tell you that white or black, many people do not know how to take care of their hair; many people are walking around with mop-like hair. Secondly, your son is only a month old so instead of focusing on his hair, enjoy creating a mother-son bond with him, one that will last him a lifetime.
On that note, your child is mixed, which means that the texture of his hair is going to be different from yours and your husband. Your son is only one month old so at this time i wouldn’t recommend that you put any harsh chemicals in his hair, just continue to use the baby products that you’re currently using. As your child gets older, you will be able to use some products on the market. Lucky for you, you have a boy, which means that not a lot of hair care will be required. As he grows, you will need to take him to the barber to ger a haircut or a trim(whichever works for you). As for which products to use on his hair as he gets older, Carol’s daughter has a great selection of hair products for kids(boys and girls). Click here to find out more about Carols Daughter’s hair products. Hope that helps, Danielle!
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