PBS Kids‘ beloved series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is making a positive impact by teaching young viewers about the complexities of co-parenting. The series is helping children understand how parents can work together to support and care for them, even if they live in separate households.

The popular series is kicking-off the new year with four new episodes, with one, “Jodi Sleeps at Her Dad’s House,” premiering January 6. According to Parents.com, the episode will focus on a brand new character, Jodi’s dad, Mr. Plat. Jodi sometimes stays with her dad, who lives outside of the Neighborhood, in a different house than her mom.


“We are really excited to feature another family dynamic in the series,” Chris Loggins, the Supervising Producer of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood said in an exclusive interview with Parents. “In making this episode, it was important to us to offer an example of a successful co-parenting relationship. Mr. Plat will continue to be a featured character in Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.”

Additionally, as a part of new episodes, viewers will also see other characters in the neighborhood overcome their own issues. And of course, viewers will also get the opportunity to see 4-year-old Daniel Tiger take his own on adventures and challenges that end in valuable lessons for all.

“All of the episodes also feature our new approach for the season in which another character, not Daniel, is featured in the B story,” Loggins explained in the interview. “This week we have episodes for Jodi, Katerina, and O, and they each get their own signature imagination moments.”

The Emmy-award winning series debuted in 2012, designed for kids ages 2 to 4. The popular series streams about 40 million streams per month. What makes it so special you ask? According to Loggins in his interview, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood puts children first.

“We talk to kids that age as part of the writing process for every episode,” Loggins said. “Another secret ingredient is that we work with advisors who worked closely with Fred Rogers on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood to make sure the timeless messages found in that series are updated in an age-appropriate way for a new audience. We hope children and families will enjoy watching these new episodes together.”

Make sure to tune-in to these new episodes. They will unquestionably hold valuable lessons for both children and parents alike!


Photo: PBS Kids

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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