Every parent knows that the toddler years can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with tantrums often taking center stage. From throwing themselves on the floor to shouting in frustration, these outbursts can be overwhelming for both children and caregivers. But what if there were simple, effective hacks to help navigate these tumultuous moments? According to the experts at, try these parenting hacks to help with toddler tantrums.


Let them express themselves.


The first thing parents must keep in mind is that tantrums are a perfectly normal part of toddlerhood! There’s no need to panic when your little one has a meltdown; it’s simply their way of expressing those big, swirling emotions that they haven’t yet learned to put into words. Embrace the chaos—it’s all part of the magical journey of growing up.

Keep your child safe.

When a tantrum is on the horizon, create a safe haven for your child to unleash their emotions—while minimizing any potential chaos! Ensure the space around them is free from anything that could pose a danger, allowing them to fully experience their feelings without harm to themselves or others. Think of it as setting the stage for a dramatic performance, where they can express their inner storm safely and soundly.

Angry toddler getting ready for a tantrum. ADOBE STOCK IMAGES

Maintain a positive attitude

During your toddler’s tantrum, strive to radiate positivity and uplift their spirits. Infusing a sense of playfulness into the storm can work magic. Transform the moment into a whimsical adventure—turn tears into giggles, and watch as the clouds of frustration begin to part. Make sure to maintain your cool and know that your joyful energy can be the spark that helps them find their way back to calm and forget why they were on the verge of a meltdown in the first place.

Model positive behavior

As we know, children keenly observe our actions, so if they see you yelling or tossing things when frustration strikes, they might believe that’s the way to handle their feelings too. Instead, be a beacon of calm and resilience for them. Show your little ones how to navigate life’s storms with grace. Your example can be the guiding light that teaches them the power of positive expression that will lead them into being able to successfully manage their emotions well into adulthood.

Mother and child smiling. ADOBE STOCK IMAGES

Teach them to identify their feelings

Toddlers often throw tantrums because they’re still learning to navigate the vast ocean of their feelings, which can cause emotions to bubble up and erupt into a full-blown meltdown. To help them sail through these turbulent waters, introduce them to the magical world of feeling words like happy, mad, sad, and scared. By equipping them with this emotional vocabulary, you’ll empower them to articulate their feelings during the next storm, allowing you to dive deep together and unravel the mystery behind their emotions.

Remember, as a parent, your guidance will help your toddlers ll transform from tiny tempest-tossed sailors into skilled navigators of their own feelings!

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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