Back-to-school time can stir up a whirlwind of emotions for many kids, but for nine-year-old Titan, a former Destiny’s Child member, it’s a top-of-the-charts event. In an exclusive interview with People Magazine, Kelly Rowland reveals that her son “loves back to school” and is “exited about sports.”

Kelly Rowland and son Titan. KELLY ROWLAND/INSTAGRAM

“He loves back to school,” Rowland shared with People at the Baby2Baby volunteer event. “I mean, thank God. He started a new school last year, and we had a goddess of a teacher. I’m so grateful to her.”


“And now he’s excited about sports,” she added. “He sees all his other buddies there. He’s happy. And so that makes me really excited for him, but he seems to love it. So far.”

Rowland continues telling the outlet that Titan will sport the same school gear, including his backpack, as he did previously, even though his father, producer/manager, Tim Witherspoon, would most definitely change that if he could.

“Like, ‘that backpack is just fine, you’re going to use that one right there.’ You know?” Rowland recalled her conversation with her son. “His dad is like, ‘I want to get him a new backpack.’ I was like, ‘Why? He’s got the backpack? He’s fine.’ You know?”

“Look, it’s just stuff you’re going to put in there. It’s not like you need anything new. And if we have excess around the house, we like to make sure we’re able to give that away too.”

Tim Witherspoon and son, Titan. KELLY ROWLAND/INSTAGRAM

As a mother-of-two, Rowland is extremely passionate about ensuring that all mother’s have access to quality care and maternal needs. As a result of this, Rowland is a very vocal supporter and volunteer for the national nonprofit Baby2Baby which provides diapers, formula, clothing and other basic necessities for children living in poverty across the country.

“While we can’t solve the maternal mortality crisis on our own here today,” she says, “this initiative is one important piece of a very complicated and necessary solution to improve mother’s mental health, a leading cause of maternal mortality, by providing the basic essentials they absolutely need during the most critical time — after childbirth.”

In addition to nine-year-old, Titan, Rowland and her husband also share younger son, three-year-old, Noah.


Photo: Kelly Rowland Instagram

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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