If Antony B. Jenkins’ name and face look familiar, they should as the talented young star already has a truly inspiring resume that only continues to grow. Jenkins took a minute out of his busy schedule to speak exclusively to BCKOnline.com about his new projects, career, and more.

Take a look a look at the interview below and make sure to add him to those you are following on social media, because this is one rising young star that you will want to definitely keep tabs on!


BCKONLINE: What inspired you to become an actor, and how did you get started in the industry?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: Well, what really inspired me to become an actor was my dad. He’s an actor too, and I thought it would be cool to try it out. I remember my first audition when I was 4. I was just chatting with this random lady, not knowing who she was. Then, when I walked into the audition room, I found out she was actually the director! I ended up booking the job on my first audition. That’s when I knew I wanted to keep doing this.

BCKONLINE: You have several new projects coming up soon: The Deliverance, Fight Night, and Never Let Go. Can you tell us about your character for each and what is different/or similar about your character and your real personality?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: Andre, in the Deliverance, is a regular kid that loves his family and has an imaginary friend that has a bit of influence on him. Maybe too much. Samuel, in Never Let Go, is an adventurous and loyal kid who loves him momma and his brother. He’s the golden boy of the family. Gordon Jr. in Fight Night loves his family too. They are all similar to me because of the love for the family and they mean the world to me.

BCKONLINE: Can you share a memorable experience or funny moment from working on a set?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: Having my birthday on set is my best memory because the cast and crew go all out. I’ll never forget that one.

BCKONLINE: What do you enjoy most about acting, and what do you find most rewarding?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: The most challenging? I really enjoy traveling and meeting new people and making connections. The most challenging is being away from some of my friends but we have games and Facetime to stay connected.

BCKONLINE: Who are your favorite actors or actresses, and how have they influenced you?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: My favorite actor is Caleb McLaughlin and he has influenced me by making acting a lot of fun. We always had fun when we have scenes together.

BCKONLINE: If you could write the perfect character for yourself, what would it be and why?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: I would want to be in Dragon Ball Z and be the strongest Saiyan in all universes.

BCKONLINE: How do you balance your time between acting, school, and hanging out with friends?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: Well I’m in virtual school so I school at home and when I’m done with school I usually get on my game with my friends. When I’m on set I lock in and do the best I can as an actor. It’s pretty balanced.

BCKONLINE: You have worked with a lot of A-list talent. What is the one piece of advice that they have given you that has helped you in your career thus far?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: Yes, I have been blessed to work with a lot of great A list actors. One piece of advice that I’ll never forget came from Ms. Halle Berry when she told me that my eyes are my superpower. So I always use that.

BCKONLINE: What advice would you give to other kids who are interested in acting?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: I’d say to be yourself, be confident, be brave, always remember who you are. No one can take that away.

BCKONLINE: What can we expect to see from you in the future?

ANTHONY B. JENKINS: There are some fun things coming so just keep you eyes open because you don’t want to miss it.

The Lionsgate and 21 Laps thriller, Never Let Go is set to hit the box office on September 20. The Deliverance is out now in theaters and streaming on Netflix

Photo: Anthony B. Jenkins Instagram; Brian Jones Photography

Tiffany Silva

Tiffany Silva

Writer and Editor

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