The oldest and largest non-profit in the United States, Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF), dedicated to children’s literacy, unquestionably got it right. Reading is indeed fundamental. Those who enjoy reading, especially from a young age, will reap the benefits of having a fundamental block which helps to establish a strong educational foundation. Ready to help your kids become strong readers? The experts at have compiled five tips for raising avid readers not only this summer, but beyond.

1. Don’t make them read.
We all know, even as adults, when someone tries to force us to do something, we tend to end up not doing it. Additionally, we could develop a bad taste in our mouths for said activity and end up avoiding it for the rest of our lives.
Well, that holds true with reading as well. Do not force or make your kids read. If they want to play, watch TV, game, etc. instead of reading at a particular moment, then that’s okay. Establish a consistent “reading” time that becomes integrated into your daily routine. Laura Forrest Hopfauf at suggests at reading time, let them pick out the book and drive the train, so to speak. Allowing children to be in charge with what they read, “… levels reading with their other activities like painting, blowing bubbles or going for a walk. It shows them that reading is just a part of life, not something that they have to do.”
2. Let them see you read
We have said this before, good or bad, children tend to emulate what they see. If you are an avid reader, then chances are, your child will become one too.

3. Go to the library.
The library can indeed be a very magical place. There are much more things available to hold a child’s interest in reading other than just books alone. Many libraries have arts & crafts time, storytelling time, literary character meet-and-greets, etc. Take a trip to the library and see for yourself. Don’t forget to have your child sign-up for their own library card. To some, having their own card will be priceless!
4. Use gadgets
If your child is into tech, there are so many things on the market that mesh the two very well. From Leap Frog books to iPad’s, there is a tech gadget that has your child’s name on it, encouraging them to become an avid reader. It’s all about sensory!

5. Read what they like
Even if it is the same book over and over, reading what your child enjoys is crucial to them liking to read. “… reading what they love over and over again lets them have ownership over their reading; it lets them put things together and make sense of a story; and it lets them have fun,” Hopfauf attests.
Reading doesn’t have to be a chore or only something that they do at school. Reading can be something fun for both parents and their kids. Remember, by helping them to become avid readers now, you are giving them an educational edge up for the future. So, get reading and have some fun this summer!