T.I. is a proud papa! The rapper recently celebrated his daughter Deyjah’s graduation , and now it is his son Domani Harris who has received his high school diploma.
In celebration of his son’s accomplishment, T.I. posted a somewhat unconventional message to his son on Instagram, congratulating him in his own special way.
“Yeah, yeah…Of course I’m proud of you for graduating @domaniharris1… But even more than that…I’m proud of you for finding a way to fight the constant urge to say “F’this School Sh*t” (like I did)& found a way to dig deep & do for your Moms & Pops what I was never able to do for mine …. walk across that stage,receive your diploma & successfully complete this phase of your education. You’ve shown me, your moms,your brothers,sisters,(& just about everyone else who’s heard your philosophy of how useless the things High School had to offer you would be in the real world…) That just because you disagree with one of life’s challenges, doesn’t mean you won’t rise to the occasion and kick [butt] in ‘Grand Harris’ fashion. I admit that although I always knew that YOU COULD get it done,just like you have in any and everything you’ve ever set your mind to…”
He continued, “I wasn’t always completely certain that YOU WOULD🤯!!!! I’m impressed and inspired by your willingness to commit yourself to the tedious task of succeeding at doing some [stuff] you genuinely disagree with. And while I may agree with you about the lack of purpose & diversity in the curriculum of our school systems….Although I too struggle to find the value in most of the lies & redundant workforce programming does to the minds of most students, I absolutely see the value in graduation. It means all the BS didn’t break you & you beat the system at its own game!!! Congratulations Son… With Love & Respect!!!! You did it!!! And you did the [stuff] YOUR WAY!!! Down to the sloppy dreads, dirty adidas, & grey jogging pants you wore today.Can’t wait to see what you’re able to do now that this “BS School Junk”ain’t in your way. I guess “Time Will Tell” huh?”
Additionally, the proud papa joined with Domani’s proud step-mama,Tiny Harris, to tout another accomplishment-Domani’s new music. Both parents shared their son’s new video on social media.
“Make sure y’all check our son @domaniharris1 out “Time Will Tell” out 6.7” .Tiny posted and Tip shared the same clip and said: “My Boi wants it BAD as a Broke Ni66a!!! “TIME WILL TELL” 6/7 Preorder yours NOW!!!! @domaniharris1 Song Playing: “One Day”’
And of course, fan support for the young rapper came in droves:
“You guys raised some well-rounded kids. The desire to go for theirs when they could just sit and chill has to be a testament to the values you guys have instilled in them.”
“Nice way to promote, smart idea. Keep grinding young brother.”
“He will make it because the hustle is there and the grind is even harder. Keep pushing your time is coming, and it will Tell.”
“Great marketing techniques. U have great teachers (parents). Keep it up.”
“I’m very proud of Domani I look up to him a lot he has his head on his shoulders very tight you raised a humble man – support and love to all the Harris family.
Tell us what you think of Domani’s new music. Sound off! We want to hear from you.