Congratulations to Eva Marcille who is expecting a son to arrive in coming months. News of the model’s expectancy spread on Tuesday.
Eva is expecting her first child with boyfriend Michael Sterling, who was a recent mayoral candidate for the city of Atlanta. The celebrity mom already has a daughter named Marley with her ex-boyfriend, Kevin McCall.
“I said, ‘Marley, would you like to have a little brother or sister?'” Eva says of her interaction with her 3-year-old when sharing news of her expectancy. “She said, ‘Yes, Mom, but you know what? Maybe a baby brother. Make it a brother.'” The powers that be must have heard Marley since it was later revealed that Eva and Michael were expecting a son.
“I thought that was adorable, but at the time, I had no idea what I was having,” Marcille tells PEOPLE. “So my fear [about] this extremely expressive and outgoing young girl [was] if this baby came out to be a little girl, that might not be a great situation for Marley.”
The celebrity mom further explains, “I found out soon after that I was having a boy, and I felt like she willed it in her favor. I’m beyond elated to be having a boy.”
News of her pregnancy comes as shock to fans and even Eva. “My body felt super weird. I didn’t know what was going on,” she tells media. “I went to the doctor and because of my symptoms, he decided to do an ultrasound to see if I had any cysts or tumors or fibroids or things of that nature. He did an ultrasound and lo and behold, we were seven and a half weeks pregnant. I was like, ‘What?!’ I was expecting the worst only to find out I was carrying a life. It was crazy.”
Crazy good as Eva is expecting her little one to arrive next year. It will be exciting to see how little Marley handles big sisterhood.