Ziggy Marley and the family gave lots of support to Marque Communications as they hosted Corolle’s Adopt-A-Doll event over the weekend. The musician stood tall with his wife, Orly, and kids as he celebrated Corolle’s new collection of French dolls.
Marque decked the Grove out for its VIP guests, having an abundance of dolls and Parisian style food for all. Denise Richards, Jennifer Aspen, and Dorian Brown were three of many celebs to join Ziggy and his clan at the launching event. Judah and Gideon were especially thrilled to take part in the many activities offered that spanned from nail polish changes to craft stations.
All guests brought unopened diapers and baby wipes in support of Baby Buggy’s thrive to provide the bare necessities to underprivileged families. Ziggy has six kids in all.
Photos:Marquee Communications