By Sojourner:
o Absolve yourself of “mommy guilt.” You are doing the best that you can.
o Remember that a desire for a career does not make you a bad mother, nor
does a desire for work/life balance make you a bad employee.
o Be proactive and creative. Many supervisors are open to considering
creative solutions when they are presented, but will not be so conscious as
to offer them unasked.
o If you have a partner, ask that partner for help and unconditional
o Find a community of mothers who also work outside the home. So much mom
support is based on the stay-at-home crowd, and while some of our issues are
the same, some are very different.
o Remember that raising children only comes once in a lifetime.
Sojourner Marable Grimmett has a BA in communications from Clark Atlanta
University and an MA in media studies from Pennsylvania State University.
She is a stay-at-work mom and her experience in higher education spans over
10 years working in student services and enrollment management. She lives in
southwest Atlanta with her husband, Roland and two young sons, Roland Jay
and Joshua. Visit her blog:
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